What would I do, if I had the money?
1. I would build a special combination book store and art store and gallery. I would teach Art at night and on the weekends. I would have a small gallery for all of my students art. I would "spot-light' books for all ages. One thing for sure, I would display books from our local authors.
2. I would run Sleepytown Press as a Traditional Publisher out of the Book Store. The benefit of having a place to display and sell the books would be an added plus. Yes, if I had the money, I would have a traditional publishing house.
3. I would open a small unique restaurant next to or connected to the book store. It would be colorful and feature all of my favorite recipes. It would also feature one of my favorite things, lights hanging from the ceiling. (Maybe chandeliers over each table.)
What is your dream? Name three special things that you would do, if you had the money to do so. To dream is a good thing.