Maybe it was Casper. I hope he was friendly.
Anyway, I think I have it back to normal. if you ever visit and see something weird, please, do not be alarmed.
For some weird unknown reason, my web site decided to switch to something on its own. Maybe it had a "hiccup" or something. I have no idea what happened. If you visited yesterday, you might have seen something weird and unreadable. I have no idea why it tried to do its own thing.
Maybe it was Casper. I hope he was friendly. Anyway, I think I have it back to normal. if you ever visit and see something weird, please, do not be alarmed.
Almost everyone that I know, who is a writer, keeps a notebook of some kind. That is the place wher you should jot down that plot idea, or that character, or just to take a note about something that you have seen. Some people like to keep topic headings and then write under them.
Some suggested topics might be: Story Ideas Magazine Article Topics Descriptions of Characters Notes about Settings Interesting Facts Or, add your own. Some people like to include dialogue and they include interesting words and phrases. You should never ever go anywhere without your notebook, or keep a mini notebook and transfer the notes to the main notebook later. Make sure to make drawings and add details so that you remember all that you need to remember later. Here are some good ideas that I ran across in my reading. You might find them helpful. 1. Beginnings and Endings
-Does the first line capture the reader's attention? -Does the paragraph paint a well framed picture? -Does the paragraph "sing" from start to finish? -Does the paragraph have good descriptions? -Show! Are the descriptions vivid and specific? Do you touch the senses? -Do you make the characters 'live?" 2. Dialogue -Does the dialogue advance the story? -Is each character unique? 3. Story -Is there a pull that makes the reader want to know more? -Is the conflict worth being in YOUR story? 4. Images -Have you painted a picture with your story that draws the viewer into the story? -Do you make readers wish they had painted the picture that you painted in your story? 5. Ownership -Whose story is it anyway? -What is the point of view? -Does the style fit the story? -Does the story flow from beginning to end? 6. Theme -What is the subject or theme of the Story? -Why is this story important? -Do you need to take out the trash in the story? (clutter) 7. The Final Vote -Does the title fit the story? -Is the length appropriate for the story? -Are the sentences and paragraphs interesting? -Do the verbs show action? -Are there words that do not belong? (pet words, cliches, adverbs or adjectives that do not belong) -Are the words visual? -Did you have the work proofed for consistency, punctuation, and spelling? This past Saturday, we had a visit from author Fran Orenstein and her good friend Ellen George. Ellen has just finished writing a new children's book titled Flutterby. The book is going to be beautiful and it is such a sweet story about a little girl who has a special friendship with Butterflies.
Ellen sat with me as I showed her ideas that I had put together for her book. She was elated, to say the least. We discussed the text placement as well as the illustrations. A final decision was made on the cover and we made changes to the color of the text on the cover. The cover is beautiful and will most definately attract many readers and collectors of Children's Books. Check back often to stay updated about the progress of the book as well as to know what else is new at Sleepytown Pre I will admit that I have the book store blues. If you have followed any of my blogs, somewhere in the mix you have read how I would love to have a book store. Actually, I would love to have a Book Store/Art Store/Coffee Shop, but alas it takes money that I do not have.
I have looked around my area to see if there was an affordable rental and everything is out the roof. Don't they know that the economy kinda stinks right now? If I had the money for the high rental, I would have my place right now. Life is not so fair most days. So, what do I do? I keep dreaming. Dreams are good for us. Sometimes dreams brighten our lives and give us hope. it would be a sad thing to live with no hope. I might not see my dream happen, but I can always keep the dream. Some days, it bothers me some. I will survive with or without a book store. The world will still keep turning. I will do what I can in the place that I am and keep dreaming. What is your dream? |
June 2015